
Learning preclinical medicine can be daunting.  Lists, labs, latin, learning objectives, loads of books.

When studied well, however, it allows a fascinating insight into the machinations of us all.  

A wise man once said “anatomy is the great ocean upon which all other medical disciplines sail“.  

Since form follows function, understanding physiology is vital for success in all medical niches.

The Workbook is one thing:

A minimal, engaging adjunct to physiology.

The Workbook was created by two graduate-entry medics who wanted a way to consolidate their lectures and a more active way of covering the vast amounts of physiology they were expected to learn. Inspired by some of the teaching styles and techniques used by their university they started creating worksheets to address some of their learning objectives. While trying to balance studying and a life, they are also exploring if and how worksheets can enhance student learning and if these techniques can be enhanced by other online learning techniques they hope to experiment with in the future.

How to use this website

The website is organised by various themes and subject areas listed on the side menu. These links provide lists of topics, with each topic having at least one worksheet and (in time) answer sheets and occasionally videos working through some of the answers. The pages might also provide links to additional resources you might find helpful.

Most worksheets will be focussed on physiology although some cover specific disorders and/or pharmacology. The worksheets contain a number of questions, some asking you to recall basic facts while others go on to apply and test this knowledge in the form of short-answer questions similar to what you may get in formative and summative assessments. We’ve also thrown in the occasional crossword for a bit of variety.

We hope you find the resources useful, and if you spot any errors please let us know in the comment sections. The worksheets and website are still a work in progress so it would be good to find out what works and what doesn’t. Also, please note the usual caveats: this isn’t medical advice – see your doctor if you think you’re sick – and we’re only human so the odd mistake might slip in. There will also be differences in the depth of teaching of the topics in different medical schools so while some questions may seem overly simplified, others may seem way beyond the scope of your own course. The worksheets aren’t designed to be comprehensive.

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